Fatimah Z. Turner
Fatimah Z. Turner is a Licensed Social Worker providing outpatient counseling to families, youth, couples, and individuals in private practice as well as through intensive in-home and community-based services. Fatimah supports her clients who are or have experienced trauma, loss, addiction, depression, and anxiety by building resiliency using a holistic and cognitive behavioral approach. She specializes in assisting families resolve issues and conflict by using a family systems approach and viewing families as a unit.
Fatimah takes pride in having served as a social advocate and educator in the inner city for over 20 years. She is a commissioner for the Orange Housing Development Corporation where they provide adequate housing for underserved residents. She works diligently in the community addressing the needs of the homeless population, the elderly, and victims of domestic abuse.
Fatimah has served in the capacity of Director of Social and Emotional Learning and Director of Family Services for the Newark School System and later as a Vice Principal for a Charter School in Jersey City, NJ. She is currently an Adjunct Professor where she teaches Psychology, and Developmental English and Reading.
Fatimah is a Doctoral Candidate, completing a PhD in Family Science and Human Development from Montclair State University. She has done award winning research on first-generation college students, teenage parents, and emerging adults. She obtained an Associate’s in Social Science at Essex County College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Montclair State University, a Masters in Social Work from Rutgers University, as well as a Masters in Educational Leadership from Concordia University. Fatimah is known for combining her experience, education, compassion and humor in what all that she does. She holds true that “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” — Fred Rogers
Doctoral Candidate
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”